The Bagua Door is a creation influenced by the Bagua mirror; it symbolises the natural element of fire. Infused with a self-patterned metal skin, it depicts a harmonical balance of notions in the environment around us. The semi-precious inlays around the handle are adorned with intricate patterns, resonating with the burnished bronze finish on the door. Tones of gold, brown, and red furbish the Bagua Door, with an enchanting feel of its own.
TECHNIQUES USED: Controlled Metal Erosion, Stone Inlay, and Manual Oxidation
TIME INVESTED: 100 - 105 hours
MECHANISM: Hinged, Pivot
DESIGN REFERENCES: This door inspired by the form of a bagua
mirror symbolises the energy of fire. The
door takes its form in the self-patterned
metal skin with the handle in the semiprecious inlay. Enchanting on its own with
a self-patterned metal skin, it showcases a
blend of environmental notions